
The Next Big Leap in Asset Management Comes with Predictive Maintenance at Scale

The next big leap in asset management comes with predictive maintenance at scale. Find out why PdM is so important, and what steps you should take, in this whitepaper from the ARC Advisory Group and courtesy of @SAS.

Predictive maintenance (PdM) is a group of technologies that help manufacturers predict when maintenance should be performed and avoid unplanned incidents. Organizations don’t always use the most advanced PdM technologies, however. Many already employ basic data driven PdM solutions including rudimentary types of anomaly detection with enterprise asset management (EAM) systems.

In contrast, advanced PdM solutions leverage AI and machine learning (ML) to help manufacturers analyze very large datasets of process parameters over time. Advanced PdM can also leverage historical asset data to predict impending failure sooner and act immediately before opportunity passes.

This whitepaper describes what advanced PdM is and why it’s time to move from basic asset tracking and monitoring to AI-based PdM. Download the whitepaper to learn how you can use advanced PdM to benefit from better analysis of real-time issues with data and enable more nuanced and cost-effective maintenance.

View: The Next Big Leap in Asset Management Comes with Predictive Maintenance at Scale


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